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The "Equalizer®"

The all new custom golf grip

This grip was designed to simply and effectively equalize and reduce muscle tension in the hands. The basic concept is 
that regular tapered grips force the muscles in your hands to grip with varying tension from the butt end of the grip to the  tapered end. This varying tension is further complicated when golfers change the position of their hands on the grip (also called choking down) to execute various types of shots.

The "Equalizer® "golf grip is 15/16ths of an inch in diameter top to bottom and a full 11 inches long. This serves to
automatically keep the muscle tension equalized through both hands. Muscle tension is greatly reduced in the lower hand.
Choking down, even to the bottom of the grip, does not change the muscle tension.

Why is hand muscle tension important? Any teacher in the game of golf will tell you that the large muscles of the arms, 
shoulders, back and legs should control the swing and the putting stroke. The large muscles are easier to control and less 
affected by stress when an important shot is on the line. Unequal or excess tension in the hands is a major cause of inaccurate and inconsistent shots and putts. Professional golfers accomplish equal hand tension through practice and skill. 
The "Equalizer® " golf grip accomplishes this for the golfer automatically.

The oversize diameter of the "Equalizer®" custom grip automatically reduces the muscle tension in the hands. Try this simple 
test with your eyes closed -
1) Open your hand fully, fingers straight out - feel the tension in the muscles across the back of the hand.
2) Close your hand tightly - feel the muscle tension along the inside of the fingers.
3) Now let your hand relax about half way between those two points - there should be a noticeable absence of tension at this 
This is where the "Equalizer®" grip fits into your hand.

The "Equalizer® " grip can be used on all clubs including the putter. Try it first on your short game clubs where relaxed hands and clubface control are critical

The "Equalizer® " grip has an added benefit for golfers with arthritis, repetitive stress injury, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The same features for reducing muscle tension and relaxing the hands contribute to a more pain free grip.

 The "Equalizer® " custom golf grip is manufactured in the U.S.A. by Tacki-Mac exclusively for John Blake & Sons Ltd..

"Equalizer®  " is a registered trademark of John Blake & Sons Ltd.

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See our "Equalizer® " Putter Grip page for a similar concept in a putter grip.

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This page last updated 2011/04/09